Judge Yourself Before Others Do
In this episode, we explore the power of self-reflection and its role in personal growth. Learn how evaluating yourself proactively can reduce life’s challenges and discover practical self-evaluation techniques that can in turn enhance your relationships and provide tools to manage guilt and shame. Join us for insights on how to use self-evaluation - not judgment! - as a path to greater self-awareness and spiritual development.
How to See Things as They Truly Are
This week we receive a powerful gift, which is the spiritual vision to "see" that our circumstance - as well as everyone else's - is no accident. It is our test. Up or down, high or low. When we make our connection to our Source (our soul) our first priority, then no matter what happens, we cannot fail. Discover the mindsets and actions that can align us with the gift of true vision this week and always.
Little Lifequakes
Because of the night we can understand what the day is. It is the challenges and obstacles in our lives that awaken us and encourage us to be stronger on the path of spirituality. Life’s challenges cause us to reach for our inner strength, power, and help us to reconnect to our Light within. We are all striving to be happy in this world. We all desire blessings, prosperity, love, and joy. This week, the universe shows us how to use challenges as advantages and to recognize the Light in all situations.
Being a Light in the Darkness
Life, at times can be a place of coldness, fears, and doubts. It can feel like the wilderness, like a vast and empty desert. But it does not have to be this way. We are here to open our hearts and love one another as much as we can. In the process, reflect and reveal the totality of the Creator’s Light, removing pain and suffering from the world. This is nothing less than our purpose and reason for existing. This week, we are given the strength and ability to draw light where there once was none.
Creating Unity
Join us as we embark on an exploration of the art of unity. We'll uncover timeless wisdom that offer insights into the principles and practices that foster unity among individuals and beyond. Through meaningful conversations, personal stories, and guided reflections, we'll help you discover the keys to creating a world of oneness.
Our Words Made Manifest: Transforming Our Physical Reality
Do our words and actions have the power to shape our reality? The concept of making a vow or an oath is central to this episode, as it teaches us that by making a conscious commitment, we can actively transform our circumstances and manifest our desired outcomes. By making conscious choices, we can actively transform our reality and manifest our desired outcome. We will discuss practical tools as to how we can tap into the power of our words and actions to create the life we want this week and beyond.
Q&A: Mystical Kabbalistic Facts Part I
You asked, we answer! This episode is dedicated to what our listeners want to know about Kabbalstic practices and principles. From the concept of tzimtzum and the tree of life, to the belief in reincarnation and the importance of tikkun, our conversation offers a wealth of knowledge and insights for those interested in learning more about Kabbalah. Whether you are new to Kabbalah or have been studying it for years, we invite you to join the discussion and keep asking questions!
Sacrificing Ourselves to Death
When we make sacrifices for our careers, our families, our friends, our relationships, and for ourselves, we often create a trade-off in the long term that isn't always obvious. Learning when, how and what to sacrifice is the secret to lasting blessings and successes.
It's Time for a Change of Scenery
The way we see things can create abundance and flow or lack and negativity. This week, gain insight and tools to shift from evil eye to good eye and take true control over shaping your reality and changing the scenery around you.
Starting New in 2022
How do we start something new and ensure it's success? Discover ways to plant the most powerful seeds for 2022 and rejuvenate all areas of your life.
Spiritual Self-Defense
Staying true to your journey takes strength and courage. This week, learn how to defend yourself against spiritual threats and draining situations and ensure safe passage to realizing your life's potential.
Signs from the Universe
Divine guidance can help us choose from life’s infinite possibilities. In this episode we’ll learn how to decipher signs from the universe to navigate your own inspired path.
Discover Kabbalah
Hidden for thousands of years, the ancient spiritual wisdom of Kabbalah is now accessible to millions of people around the globe. But why now? In this episode we talk with Eitan Yardeni about how these powerful teachings can help us find meaning and purpose in our lives – giving us the strength to face adversity and create a better reality for ourselves and the world.
Finding Light in Darkness
Often, dark and trying times can lead to clarity of purpose and positive change. In this episode we explore how to identify the opportunities within life’s challenges and the tools to transform these experiences and reveal the light hidden within them.
Sharing and Giving
All spiritual paths promote an aspect of generosity and giving. Many wisdom traditions teach that sharing is a powerful tool to create inner change and growth. In this episode we talk about how we can be more intentional with our giving and make sharing a meaningful way to reveal light in our lives and the lives of others.
Prayer and Meditation
Meditation and prayer are powerful tools for creating blessings and miracles in our lives. And at different times throughout the day, we can access different energies to amplify our communication with the divine. Meditation teacher Ali Katz joins us for this episode to share ancient scripts and tips for amplifying these spiritual practices.
Visualization and Affirmations
The principles of the “Law of Manifestation” align with the teachings of Kabbalah – that our consciousness creates our reality. To change our reality, we must first change our thoughts and belief systems. In this episode we talk about the power of visualization and affirmations according to Kabbalah and how we can use these tools to manifest the life we desire.
Spiritual Sleep
We’ve heard about the physical benefits of sleep, but most are unaware of the role it plays in our spiritual development. In this episode we talk with Kabbalistic Sleep Consultant Mordechay Balas, who shares tools and practices to elevate our consciousness and amplify the messages we receive during each night’s sleep.
Finding Spiritual Guides
We often seek the input of teachers, coaches, or mentors to help us achieve our personal and professional best. But what about support for our spiritual growth? In this episode we talk with Batya Solomon about how to access spiritual guidance – in the physical and metaphysical world – to help us realize our soul's purpose.
Spiritual Community
Humanity is experiencing a collective shift in consciousness. In this episode, we talk about the importance of being part of a spiritual community and the power that sharing space with like-minded people – even virtually – can have in these transformational times.