When is it OK to (Not) Break the Rules
Have you ever felt trapped in a situation, by someone's presence, or even in your own reality? We often unconsciously allow our culture, family, heritage - even society - to define us, which can create a feeling of helplessness and confined. Kabbalah teaches that we have all of the answers within us - how to tap into that wisdom and let go of the expectations you, your upbringing and society to live more freely and authentically aligned with your essence.
Spiritual Meaning Behind Birth: A Kabbalistic Perspective
Birth is a sacred and miraculous event, marking the arrival of a new soul into the world. According to Kabbalah, every person is created in the image of God and is imbued with divine potential and purpose. The birth of a child is traditionally celebrated with great joy and thanksgiving, and many customs and rituals surround the event of childbirth. Learn more about our beginnings in the journey towards fulfilling one's divine potential and purpose.
Spiritual Sanctuary: Tips for Building Your Own
The kabbalists emphasize the significance of creating spiritual space and this week we have the support to build our own personal sanctuary no matter where we may be. Discover what to do when you dont have a private location, how to incorporate elements that are meaningful to you, and the inner and exterior aspects of creating a sanctuary for one's spiritual practice. Find out how ritual and intention can establish a sacred space and how to incorporate these elements into your practice.
Spiritual Downtime
Meaningful spiritual expansion requires setting aside dedicated time for rest, reflection, and connection with the divine. Discover practical tips and insights for incorporating regular periods of spiritual downtime into your life, and understand the benefits of taking time to disconnect from the hustle and bustle of daily life and connect with a deeper sense of purpose and meaning. Whether you are looking for ways to recharge and rejuvenate, or simply want to find more time for spiritual practice and contemplation, this episode offers the practical whys and methodology of taking spiritual downtime.
Why Does it take time to Manifest... Or Does it?
This week is a powerful time to manifest, grow, and immerse ourselves in an energy that will generate miracles for the coming 365 days. Manifestation isn’t manipulation and it isn’t new agey either; the Kabbalists have been teaching it for millennia. Learn how to manifest the energy of this week and transform your entire year.
A Lighter Way of Being: Living Like it’s the First Day of our Soul and the Last Day in our Bodies
What is Being versus Doing? Why do we feel heavier at times and lighter in others? How can we feel freedom in all things daily, weekly, and yearly? Discover how to use FOMO as a spiritual tool to energize and invigorate every area of our lives.
Breaking Bad Belief Systems
We all have belief systems and our own ways of looking at the world. Sometimes they help us and sometimes they harm us. How can we see what biases we hold? How can clean our spiritual lenses and move beyond our limiting beliefs and biases?
Listen to Your Listening
Listening isn't always about what the other person is saying. When you learn how to listen beyond words, you can get to the heart of the desires behind them. This week discover the secrets to listening and how to be heard.
Coffee with the Creator
What if all you had to do to get more out of life was just ask? This week learn how a more personal and intimate relationship with the Creator can benefit you and the world around you.
The Kabbalistic Path to Inner Peace
It seems that everywhere we turn we hear about awakenings. What is an awakening? Is an awakening spontaneous, or can we awaken ourselves? Take a journey into the world of waking up and staying spiritually alert, and be a part of waking up the world as well.
Making Bad Times Good
We can do much more with lemons than just make lemonade. What we call "bad" can be good if you know what to do with them. This week's episode will provide you with the spiritual ingredients and recipes for squeezing the most out of every seemingly dark situation you may face in life.
How to Be Real in a Fake World
Materialism, Inauthenticity, and what happiness is in the age of social media age seem to surround us at every turn. How can we be truly authentic and who we really are given the pressure to perform and perfect? What is authenticity and why is it so difficult for us to be who we truly are? Find out through this week's wisdom and tools for living spiritually in a materialistic world.
Becoming a Spiritual Influencer
It is all too easy to get wrapped up in watching influencers on social media and think that influencing en masse is more important than influencing one person. This week we discuss how our thoughts, words, and actions can influence those around us, help others become spiritual, and build a healthier environment for all humanity.
You Can't Always Give What You Want
So often we don’t know when to walk away from a person, relationship, business, addictions or other events in life. Learn this week how to give with grace by giving ourselves and others what they need not just what they want.
Sacrificing Ourselves to Death
When we make sacrifices for our careers, our families, our friends, our relationships, and for ourselves, we often create a trade-off in the long term that isn't always obvious. Learning when, how and what to sacrifice is the secret to lasting blessings and successes.
The Gift in You
How does the way we present ourselves influence how others perceive us? Learn the wisdom and tools to appreciate and unwrap the gift of you and your unique soul - the gift that keeps on giving.