Perception vs. Reality
If perception creates reality, how can we cultivate the belief and trust needed to achieve our unlimited potential? What practical tools can we use to reframe our desires and connect to the unlimited reality? How can we shift our mindset from seeking relief to accessing greater possibilities? We'll answer these questions and more as we delve into the topic of Perception vs. Reality.
How to See Things as They Truly Are
This week we receive a powerful gift, which is the spiritual vision to "see" that our circumstance - as well as everyone else's - is no accident. It is our test. Up or down, high or low. When we make our connection to our Source (our soul) our first priority, then no matter what happens, we cannot fail. Discover the mindsets and actions that can align us with the gift of true vision this week and always.
Meet Your Unmet Potential
There is a unique opportunity in every week of the year, and according to Kabbalah, this week affords us the ability to access our greatest potential. You can absolutely fake it 'til you make it, and you can also discover the wisdom and tools to become the best version of yourself. Hint: its not about productivity! Tune in for a personal and practical conversation between two individuals who are doing this work alongside you, on moving toward the person you don't even realize that you can become.
Quieting the Judge Within: Empowering Self-Compassion
In this transformative episode, we delve into the profound journey of quieting the critical inner voice and embracing the boundless power of self-compassion. Join us as we explore the profound impact self-judgment can have on our lives, preventing us from reaching our full potential. Whether you're battling self-doubt, struggling with past mistakes, or simply seeking greater self-acceptance, this episode is a powerful resource to nurture a compassionate inner dialogue and break free from the confines of self-judgment.
From Bitter to Blissful: Transforming the Sometimes Bitter Taste of Life
We all have those moments when life can seem bitter and overwhelming. Whether it's a difficult situation at work, a strained relationship, or something else, it can be hard to shake off the negative feelings and see the bright side of things. Discover the tools that can help you move past bitterness and start living the life you deserve. If you're dealing with a specific challenge or just looking for ways to live a more fulfilling life, we look at the energy of this week to gain practical tools for a 'sweeter' life.
How To Live in an Elevated State in Unelevated Times with Unelevated People
We all go through ups and downs, and even on our most conscious days, can be weighed down by external situations and people. Learn practical ways to raise your vibration, protect your energy, and remain in integrity with our purest intentions and soul desires.
Breaking Bad Belief Systems
We all have belief systems and our own ways of looking at the world. Sometimes they help us and sometimes they harm us. How can we see what biases we hold? How can clean our spiritual lenses and move beyond our limiting beliefs and biases?
Spiritual Mind Games
According to the wisdom of Kabbalah, the universe and everything in it constantly conspires to bring out the best in us. So why does it feel like most people and situations bring out the worst in us? This week, we unpack the illusions of life on planet earth and how to tap into the real reality behind the facades, so you can learn how to trick yourself into seeing and experiencing the truth.
The Kabbalistic Guide to Healing
Today more than ever, humanity has access to conventional and alternative healing methods, yet complete wellness eludes so many. Where does the energy of healing come from? What is spiritual healing? Discover the Kabbalistic wisdom around healing ourselves and others, this week and beyond.