Astrology, Tikkun, Achieving Your Potential Elisheva Balas Astrology, Tikkun, Achieving Your Potential Elisheva Balas

2025: Your Best Year Yet

This week, the new year coincides with the new moon of Capricorn, so we're looking at all of the newness that 2025 will shine upon us. We take a deep dive into the astrological significance of Pluto, Saturn, Neptune, and Uranus moving into new signs, an impactful transition from earth and water elements to air and fire. This all indicates a shift for humanity from stability and predictability into an era of innovation, rapid change, deepen spiritual and familial connections, and infinite opportunities to overcome division and upheaval. Grab a pen and paper - this is the week to close the gaps between us and others, while embracing a new path paved with Light and blessings.

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How to Access Windows in Time

The wisdom of Kabbalah provides us with tools to harness the spiritual energy of every hour, day, week and month. And we aim to provide that wisdom in every episode of Weekly Energy Boost, together with practical examples, anecdotes and opportunities to learn more. This wisdom and these tools can enhance our personal growth journey and connect us more deeply to our purpose. This week offers us a combination of weekly and monthly energy that is unparalleled. We'll break down the ease and simplicity with which we can connect this week, and shine more Light on how to bring more Light and significance to your own spiritual practice.

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The Art of Waiting

Practicing the art of waiting requires an attitude of surrender, trust and spiritual maturity, rather than reacting out of ego. With practice, you can learn to navigate challenges with more patience, wisdom and faith in the perfection of the universe. This week the universe pushes us to keep the big picture in mind and even if you can't see the divine plan unfolding, it is working for your highest good. Be patient, as justice and balance will be served in the right time.

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Letting the Light Work for You

If perception creates reality, how can we cultivate the belief and trust needed to achieve our unlimited potential? What practical tools can we use to reframe our desires and connect to the unlimited reality? How can we shift our mindset from seeking relief to accessing greater possibilities? We'll answer these questions and more as we delve into the topic of Perception vs. Reality.

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Perception vs. Reality

If perception creates reality, how can we cultivate the belief and trust needed to achieve our unlimited potential? What practical tools can we use to reframe our desires and connect to the unlimited reality? How can we shift our mindset from seeking relief to accessing greater possibilities? We'll answer these questions and more as we delve into the topic of Perception vs. Reality.

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Tikkun, Healing, Soul's Purpose Elisheva Balas Tikkun, Healing, Soul's Purpose Elisheva Balas

Generational Healing

Each one of us is a collage of our past experiences, past lifetimes and unlimited potential. The impact of past family trauma can affect our individual healing processes and prevent us from fulfilling our infinite purpose. This week we're exploring how generational healing differs from individual healing, how unresolved trauma can be passed down through spiritual and physical DNA and the role of free will in ending generational patterns. Bring your baggage with you on a deep exploration of the ways our past informs our future - and how we can keep it from blocking our path.

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Overcoming Challenges, Tikkun, Spiritual Process Elisheva Balas Overcoming Challenges, Tikkun, Spiritual Process Elisheva Balas

Facing Life’s Storms

This week we are focusing on the ways that major life events, such as illness, addiction, and financial crises, can be an instrumental part of a spiritual journey. Facing these storms with radical acceptance is the first step in learning to shift from panic to trust in the divine process, no matter how big or small the storm. Join us in a discussion about the transformative potential of adversity and the importance of resilience in both daily and major life upsets as well as how to support others when they face their own storms.

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The Power of the Unexpected

Throughout this week, as well as the month of Scorpio, we are given a heightened opportunity to embrace the unexpected in life. Learning to detach from preconceived plans and trusting the universe's guidance sounds easier said than done - and we’re breaking down the practical ways to welcome things that would otherwise be surprising and even disappointing. Join us as we discover how to build the spiritual muscles of trust and openness, resulting in a greater capacity to experience blessings and goodness in life.

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How to Change Your Destiny

According to Kabbalah, while our gifts and our growth opportunities are predetermined, we can access better destinies through free will. This week we have the ability to tap into parallel destinies to shift to a more fulfilling life, as long as we're willing to embrace honesty, humility, and trust in the divine plan for us. Although certain challenges may part of our soul's journey, when we seek short-term solutions and temporary relief, we push away those greater potentials for joy, fulfillment and living in purpose.

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Transformation, Expansion, Personal Growth Elisheva Balas Transformation, Expansion, Personal Growth Elisheva Balas

Embracing Vulnerability: Transform Fear into Power

According to the Kabbalists, every week of the year provides us with a unique opportunity for growth and transformation. This week invites us to tap into to our personal strength by embracing vulnerability and authentic connections for true expansion. Whether the impetus comes from external influences or the inner drive to overcome our shortcomings, we can utilize our true self - our soul - to exercise greater impact in both our personal and professional lives.

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Creating Your Own Genesis

This week we enter a cosmic window that allows us to achieve personal and global growth by overcoming internal barriers to access our next level. By being open, embracing discomfort, and maintaining joy and trust - there is no limit to the expansion awaiting us this week. Discover the ways in which we can take advantage of this week, and how what we do this week can influence our entire year, increasing our connection to our soul and divine guidance.

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Quantum Leap to Your Next Level

This week we enter a cosmic window that allows us to achieve personal and global growth by overcoming internal barriers to access our next level. By being open, embracing discomfort, and maintaining joy and trust - there is no limit to the expansion awaiting us this week. Discover the ways in which we can take advantage of this week, and how what we do this week can influence our entire year, increasing our connection to our soul and divine guidance.

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Desire, Soul's Purpose, Growth Elisheva Balas Desire, Soul's Purpose, Growth Elisheva Balas

How to Discover who you Truly are

This week, the universe invites us to discover our true identity. Together we'll learn to distinguish between soul desires and illusionary desires, as well as how to focus on our soul desires, such as spiritual growth, giving, and understanding life's purpose. We'll share practical examples of how to integrate soul desires into daily life, even in professional settings, and the importance of choosing with certainty and infusing actions with love and energy.

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Tikkun, Overcoming Challenges, Restriction Elisheva Balas Tikkun, Overcoming Challenges, Restriction Elisheva Balas

Liberating Yourself from Compulsion

Delve into the nature of compulsive behaviors from a Kabbalistic perspective. Discover why we experience these patterns and their impact on our spiritual and personal lives. Learn how to recognize compulsions and explore practical techniques for overcoming them. Join us to find strategies for creating healthier habits and overcoming common challenges in the quest for liberation.

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Fears, Transformation, Emotions Elisheva Balas Fears, Transformation, Emotions Elisheva Balas

Overcoming Fear of Change and Transition

It’s time to face fear, change, and transition. Discover how our misinterpretations of fear can cloud our perception and how to confront and navigate through these feelings. We discuss how to manage uncertainty and the role of spiritual forces during transitions. Learn practical tips for handling overwhelming emotions and understand the consequences of resisting change. Finally, uncover the benefits and growth that await on the other side of embracing fear and transition. Join us to transform your approach to change and unlock new possibilities.

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Proactive, Soul's Purpose, Fulfilment Elisheva Balas Proactive, Soul's Purpose, Fulfilment Elisheva Balas

Unlocking Hidden Strengths

This week is all about unlocking hidden strength. Whether these strengths are inherent or developed over time, we can learn proactive strategies to uncover and activate them. We’ll also discuss the connection between hidden strengths and our soul's purpose, and how discovering these strengths can lead to greater fulfillment and purpose. Join us as we address common obstacles and misconceptions, and share inspiring examples of unlocking hidden strengths through ancient teachings.

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Victory in Everyday Battles

We all feel, at times, that life is an uphill battle, and this week invites us to explore the context struggle in our everyday challenges. Discover how Kabbalistic teachings define true victory, and how the language we use can affect our everyday victories. We'll examine the idea of inner battles and their impact on daily life, practical techniques for maintaining a positive mindset, and the role of Tikkun in overcoming obstacles. Even more importantly, this week's wisdom helps us better understand why challenges exist and how to view them as opportunities for growth rather than obstacles.

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Judge Yourself Before Others Do

In this episode, we explore the power of self-reflection and its role in personal growth. Learn how evaluating yourself proactively can reduce life’s challenges and discover practical self-evaluation techniques that can in turn enhance your relationships and provide tools to manage guilt and shame. Join us for insights on how to use self-evaluation - not judgment! - as a path to greater self-awareness and spiritual development.

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Intuition, Mindset, Spirituality Elisheva Balas Intuition, Mindset, Spirituality Elisheva Balas

How to See Things as They Truly Are

This week we receive a powerful gift, which is the spiritual vision to "see" that our circumstance - as well as everyone else's - is no accident. It is our test. Up or down, high or low. When we make our connection to our Source (our soul) our first priority, then no matter what happens, we cannot fail. Discover the mindsets and actions that can align us with the gift of true vision this week and always.

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Gratitude, Appr, Happiness Elisheva Balas Gratitude, Appr, Happiness Elisheva Balas

How to Live a Blessed Life

Many of us are focused on doing the "right things", being good people, raising our self awareness and improving our character. And yet sometimes it seems like the more we run after a better life, the further it runs from us. Kabbalah teaches that gratitude and appreciation are essential for expanding one's capacity to receive blessings. We'll discuss the tools and mindsets that cultivate gratitude daily, especially in difficult times, so that we can overcome challenges with greater ease and find more joy in our lives.

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