Aligning with Your Perfect Self
When we do fall and we discover that we need help, what do we do? How do we return to the path once we have gone astray? This week, the Universe, in its great wisdom and compassion, gives us a path to return to the Light and plug back into the connection that guarantees a constant source of fulfillment and success. Learn how to open your heart and eye to seeing the truth - we never actually lose our connection to the Light. It is always waiting for us to access it again.
Embracing the Darkness
This is a week to demonstrate spirituality in action. The immortal aspect of ourselves is constantly looking to share, to care, to pray for others, to give and receive love freely. Let's remain ever open to the opportunities to , especially as we’re entering into the last of what is known to be three of the most negative weeks of the year. If you’re going through a tough time, hang in there. It’s always darkest just before the dawn and things are soon to get better! Join us for the why and how to ride the wave of energy that can carry us to truly greater heights.
Being a Light in the Darkness
Life, at times can be a place of coldness, fears, and doubts. It can feel like the wilderness, like a vast and empty desert. But it does not have to be this way. We are here to open our hearts and love one another as much as we can. In the process, reflect and reveal the totality of the Creator’s Light, removing pain and suffering from the world. This is nothing less than our purpose and reason for existing. This week, we are given the strength and ability to draw light where there once was none.