How to See Things as They Truly Are
This week we receive a powerful gift, which is the spiritual vision to "see" that our circumstance - as well as everyone else's - is no accident. It is our test. Up or down, high or low. When we make our connection to our Source (our soul) our first priority, then no matter what happens, we cannot fail. Discover the mindsets and actions that can align us with the gift of true vision this week and always.
Finding Your Inner Leader: A Soul's Perspective
It's time to delve into the topic of leadership and how to effectively lead in both business and life. Spirituality can play a powerful role in cultivating strong leadership skills, such as empathy, vulnerability, and authenticity. From setting a clear vision and inspiring others to making tough decisions and leading with purpose, this conversation offers practical advice and spiritual insights for anyone looking to take on a leadership role in their personal or professional lives.
Signs from the Universe
Divine guidance can help us choose from life’s infinite possibilities. In this episode we’ll learn how to decipher signs from the universe to navigate your own inspired path.
We all receive messages from the Creator/Universe in the form of intuition. This powerful internal guidance system is always supporting us and guiding us throughout our life’s journey. Often, we’re just too busy to listen. In this episode we share tips for tuning into our intuition and accessing our own inner medium.