The Art of Waiting
Practicing the art of waiting requires an attitude of surrender, trust and spiritual maturity, rather than reacting out of ego. With practice, you can learn to navigate challenges with more patience, wisdom and faith in the perfection of the universe. This week the universe pushes us to keep the big picture in mind and even if you can't see the divine plan unfolding, it is working for your highest good. Be patient, as justice and balance will be served in the right time.
Liberating Yourself from Compulsion
Delve into the nature of compulsive behaviors from a Kabbalistic perspective. Discover why we experience these patterns and their impact on our spiritual and personal lives. Learn how to recognize compulsions and explore practical techniques for overcoming them. Join us to find strategies for creating healthier habits and overcoming common challenges in the quest for liberation.
Taking Pleasure in Patience
We all want pleasure in life, but how do we make good times last? Patience is a key to finding - and keeping - pleasure in every moment. Learn to use patience to gain the endless good that the kabbalists teach is the birthright of every human being.