How to Access Windows in Time
The wisdom of Kabbalah provides us with tools to harness the spiritual energy of every hour, day, week and month. And we aim to provide that wisdom in every episode of Weekly Energy Boost, together with practical examples, anecdotes and opportunities to learn more. This wisdom and these tools can enhance our personal growth journey and connect us more deeply to our purpose. This week offers us a combination of weekly and monthly energy that is unparalleled. We'll break down the ease and simplicity with which we can connect this week, and shine more Light on how to bring more Light and significance to your own spiritual practice.
The Art of Waiting
Practicing the art of waiting requires an attitude of surrender, trust and spiritual maturity, rather than reacting out of ego. With practice, you can learn to navigate challenges with more patience, wisdom and faith in the perfection of the universe. This week the universe pushes us to keep the big picture in mind and even if you can't see the divine plan unfolding, it is working for your highest good. Be patient, as justice and balance will be served in the right time.
Quantum Leap to Your Next Level
This week we enter a cosmic window that allows us to achieve personal and global growth by overcoming internal barriers to access our next level. By being open, embracing discomfort, and maintaining joy and trust - there is no limit to the expansion awaiting us this week. Discover the ways in which we can take advantage of this week, and how what we do this week can influence our entire year, increasing our connection to our soul and divine guidance.
Aligning with Your Perfect Self
When we do fall and we discover that we need help, what do we do? How do we return to the path once we have gone astray? This week, the Universe, in its great wisdom and compassion, gives us a path to return to the Light and plug back into the connection that guarantees a constant source of fulfillment and success. Learn how to open your heart and eye to seeing the truth - we never actually lose our connection to the Light. It is always waiting for us to access it again.
What's in YOUR Blind Spot?
It is human nature to pre-judge a person or a situation at first sight. We think what we see is absolute truth, but what we see is a result of what we believe to be true. What we believe to be negative, we will surely see and experience as such. Whereas, when we know there is the Creator’s hand in everything and acknowledge the Light that abides within all people and circumstances, we see the good and therefore can experience good. When we know there is good in all things and all people, we will always experience the best life has to offer.
Putting the Soul in Soulmate
This week, we are given the gift of humility to know we depend on the Creator’s Light. We build a greater desire for this partnership. For only when we recognize that we require help, do we create the space for such help to enter. Whether that Light comes to us in the form of a spouse, soulmate, partner or miracle, all partnerships are meant to help us on our journey. We were sent here to walk our own paths in life, but we are certainly moved to hold another’s hand along the way.
Here's What You've Been Missing
We are all searching for something. We search for comfort and pleasure. We search for answers. Some search for the Creator, while others devote their lives to searching for their purpose in this world. We are all on a search for more. Kabbalah, with its tools of Light, offers to us that more that we hunger. Every being on earth craves the Light, physically and spiritually, even if we may not realize it. This week, the cosmos turns the Light on for us.
Soul Synergy: Deeper Connections with Ourselves and Others
In this soulful conversation, we delve into the spiritual guide to breaking up, encompassing relationships, business, friendships, and more. Discover profound insights on navigating transitions with grace, understanding the spiritual significance of separations, and finding growth and renewal through the art of letting go. Tune in for practical wisdom on maintaining spiritual harmony amidst endings, fostering self-discovery, and embracing the sacred journey of moving forward. Explore the mystical dimensions of separation and learn how to infuse every parting with spiritual intention, paving the way for new beginnings filled with purpose and enlightenment.
Dress for the Spiritual Work You Want
Kabbalah teaches that everything in our world, including the clothes we wear, have spiritual and energetic value, each piece containing a spark of Light within it that can be elevated or released. We'll examine how to align comfort, energy, well being and self respect when choosing your wardrobe, and what clothing represents spiritually as a tool and vehicle for expansion, and how embracing authenticity and self expression can help guide you toward the best look for your soul.