Deleting Doubt: The Spiritual Path to Confidence
How badly would you like to overcome the doubts and insecurities that hold you back in life? Explore practical tips and and techniques for boosting self-confidence and trusting in one's own abilities. From journaling and meditation to visualization and setting positive affirmations, this episode offers a range of strategies for deleting doubt and embracing a more positive and confident mindset.
Transforming Weakness into Strength
Weakness becomes strength when we acknowledge and embrace our vulnerabilities and limitations rather than trying to hide or deny them. By doing so, we tap into our natural power and resilience, and use our weaknesses as a source of strength and growth. Learn how to embrace weakness, cultivate resilience, awaken compassion, and manifest the ability to navigate life's challenges with grace and ease in this weeks episode.
Free Yourself from Patterns
How can we break free from patterns that no longer serve us? Kabbalah offers the principle of Tikkun, or "repair." Bringing awareness to our thoughts and actions in the present moment helps us break free of limiting patterns and as a result, heal ourselves and the world. This week, we will learn to how to see the shells that conceal our true nature, and detach from behaviors that keep you trapped in these ultimately unfulfilling patterns.
The Power in Pain
Pain is generally perceived as a negative experience, when kabbalistically it is regarded as positive and purposeful. This week learn why pain exists and what it can indicate, and discover ways to use it to your benefit. Once you have a better understanding of pain, then you can see it for what it truly is... an opportunity for growth.
Spiritual Routine 2023
A spiritual routine can provide structure and purpose to one's life, help foster a sense of connection to a higher power and provide a greater sense of meaning and purpose. Use this New Year to engage in inner growth and self-awareness by incorporating Kabbalistic tools for spiritual fulfillment, helping us to live a more deep meaningful and fulfilling life.
When You Don't See Results
We live in a world driven by the results. When we don't see results, we immediately assume that we are doing or have done something wrong, when in fact nothing could be further from the truth. This week, gain clarity about having a greater vision for life, as well as the tools to see the hidden beauty in all of our efforts.
Wait For It: The Power of Pause
Pausing is one of the most powerful tools we have. When you learn to wait, you gain control over your life. Avoid the chaos of a reactive life by learning tools to embrace a proactive one. Join us as we dive deep into the power of the pause and learn tools to overcome our reactivity.
Settling for More
More often than not, we settle for less when we could be settling for more. Kabbalah teaches that what we receive in life directly correlates to what we choose to settle for. This week, gain the insights and tools to help identify how you are settling and discover the abundant ways we can rise above.
The Divine Messengers Around and Inside Us: How to Make Sense of it All
The universe is always trying to communicate with us but many times we are not listening. Becoming more in tune with what's happening all around us can expand our daily experiences of connection and fulfillment. Join us in exploring ways to tap into these messages, messengers and how make sense of it all.
Making the First Move: When to Go First
Whether we lean toward hesitation or analysis paralysis, we miss 100% of the shots we don't take. This week, we'll talk through the dos and don'ts of proactivity, pausing and the Kabbalistic energy of the week that guides us through making the first move (or not!).
Let Go of Recognition: Receive More
We all crave approval and recognition, whether we are aware of it or not. This quest for external validation ultimately stands in the way of our receiving all that we truly desire. This week, we'll discuss how to let go of the need for recognition to make way for more.
Leading Without Followers
History's greatest leaders led with certainty beyond logic when others could not. Where does that kind of conviction come from, and how can we use it to lead our own remarkable lives? How can we add value, maintain integrity, and not NEED to know the outcome or the reward? This week, join us as we break down the keys to remaining true to ourselves while raising the bar in our service to others.
The Antidote to Pain
When faced with any kind of pain, our typical reaction is to run, avoid or numb ourselves. Even when things can seem hard, going outside of ourselves to give to others in those moments is what also helps heal us. This week learn how to use the power of sharing to overcome life's challenges.
How to 'BE' a Soulmate to 'HAVE' a Soulmate
We all want our soulmate, but what does it mean to BE a soulmate. Regardless of if we are currently coupled or not - this week we talk about how to show up like a soulmate in every relationship in our lives.
Tuning into The New Moon of Scorpio: Healing Our Souls and Healing our Bodies
The moon is a powerful force in our lives, yet we pay little attention to it. What practical benefits do we receive when we pay close attention to it, and what if we don't pay any attention at all? This week we delve deeper into this powerful compass of spirituality, especially as we begin the month of Scorpio, notorious for its extreme spiritual weather.
Creating Everything from Nothing
Kabbalah teaches that we are here to create in the world and our lives. This week's conversation takes us on a journey toward how we can use tools and the energy of this week to create new beginnings and to come from a place of nothing to build everything.
Why Does it take time to Manifest... Or Does it?
This week is a powerful time to manifest, grow, and immerse ourselves in an energy that will generate miracles for the coming 365 days. Manifestation isn’t manipulation and it isn’t new agey either; the Kabbalists have been teaching it for millennia. Learn how to manifest the energy of this week and transform your entire year.
7 Self Love Practices for Males and Females
Everyone everywhere is talking about self-love. But what does self-love really mean? Does self-love need to be indulgent and selfish? This week is about better listening to ourselves and tuning into our deepest needs, which always originate on the soul level.
Drinking Our Own Poison & Being Our Own Cure
We all carry grudges; some last longer than others. The emotional gratification of carrying a grudge can pay a heavy physical and spiritual toll - holding us back in every aspect of our lives. Tune in for the wisdom and tools to release grudges completely and permanently.
A Lighter Way of Being: Living Like it’s the First Day of our Soul and the Last Day in our Bodies
What is Being versus Doing? Why do we feel heavier at times and lighter in others? How can we feel freedom in all things daily, weekly, and yearly? Discover how to use FOMO as a spiritual tool to energize and invigorate every area of our lives.
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