Shine Brighter: Being a Light When We Don't Feel It
Being a light in the darkness involves bringing hope and healing to those experiencing difficult times but also to ourselves. This week, we'll break down how to be a light in the darkness, how to offer support and comfort to others, practice compassion and ways to actively seek out ways to make a positive difference in the world. It is easy to cultivate qualities of compassion, understanding, and unconditional love when we remember that our true nature is in fact love and Light.
Chasing Greatness: A Spiritual Guide to Achieving Your Dreams
Greatness is not in what we achieve, but in what we overcome. This week we delve into and examine the intense discipline and passion that fuels the pursuit of greatness. From our relationships with mentors, teachers, writers, and the loved ones around us, this episode offers a thought-provoking look at what it takes to achieve greatness - which is the greatest expression of our unique Light.
Drinking Our Own Poison & Being Our Own Cure
We all carry grudges; some last longer than others. The emotional gratification of carrying a grudge can pay a heavy physical and spiritual toll - holding us back in every aspect of our lives. Tune in for the wisdom and tools to release grudges completely and permanently.
Staying Motivated
We all have habits that we aren’t good for us, yet we continue to do these things anyway. Likewise, there are important things we know we should do for ourselves and for others, and yet we don’t. When we engage in patterns of behavior such as laziness or procrastination, we undermine our own goals and values. In this episode we’ll discuss the roots of these behaviors and practices to stay motivated.