Tap Into The Most Powerful Energy of the Year

We are in the midst of tremendous energy according to the Kabbalists, not simply this week. We are in a period that can shift our entire year to come and potentially move our lives in new directions. The vault is open and we can choose to create new realities once we are aware of them. This week we share how to tap into and harness this power to create everything we want for the coming year.

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Transformation, Mindset, Awareness Elisheva Balas Transformation, Mindset, Awareness Elisheva Balas

Spiritual Mind Games

According to the wisdom of Kabbalah, the universe and everything in it constantly conspires to bring out the best in us. So why does it feel like most people and situations bring out the worst in us? This week, we unpack the illusions of life on planet earth and how to tap into the real reality behind the facades, so you can learn how to trick yourself into seeing and experiencing the truth.

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Healing, Mindset Elisheva Balas Healing, Mindset Elisheva Balas

The Kabbalistic Guide to Healing

Today more than ever, humanity has access to conventional and alternative healing methods, yet complete wellness eludes so many. Where does the energy of healing come from? What is spiritual healing? Discover the Kabbalistic wisdom around healing ourselves and others, this week and beyond.

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