Altered States and Ancient Insights: Drugs, Plant Medicine and Spirituality
It seems like everywhere you go someone is talking about plant medicine, or their journey to altered states. But what does Kabbalah and the Zohar have to say about this? We know that drugs can have devasting effects on mind and body, not to mention families. We dig into a contemporary discourse on drugs and plant medicine and investigate the hype in contrast with sage wisdom.
Bringing Closure: A Spiritual Guide to Ending Things
This week we discuss "ending things" from a spiritual perspective. Join us as we explore the challenges and opportunities that come with bringing closure to various aspects of our lives, whether it be relationships, careers, or personal goals. Learn practical tools on how to navigate the often-difficult process of letting go and finding peace in the endings of life. Through a combination of personal anecdotes and spiritual wisdom, this episode offers a thought-provoking and uplifting look at the transformative power of ending things.
The Kabbalah of Public Speaking: A Fear Worse Than Death
Whether your audience is your partner, your office, your family or adoring fans, Kabbalah can help us overcome the fear of public speaking. Discover the spiritual principles for inner strength and confidence when standing in front of an audience and practical tips for calming the nerves and channeling positive energy. By delving into the wisdom of Kabbalah, we unearth a unique and uplifting approach to conquering the fear of public speaking.
Shine Brighter: Being a Light When We Don't Feel It
Being a light in the darkness involves bringing hope and healing to those experiencing difficult times but also to ourselves. This week, we'll break down how to be a light in the darkness, how to offer support and comfort to others, practice compassion and ways to actively seek out ways to make a positive difference in the world. It is easy to cultivate qualities of compassion, understanding, and unconditional love when we remember that our true nature is in fact love and Light.
Who Cares What You Think?
Other people's perceptions of us often take center stage, which can distract us from our goals and priorities. When we can identify and understand why we seek approval - or don't - we can release ourselves from the shackles of the opinions of others.