You Are What You Think
This week, the cosmos is offering the lesson of self-realization, self-awareness, and spiritual maturity. We see the good in our lives and embrace our accomplishments. We are also willing to see the aspects of our experience that are not favorable, and we are given the courage to take responsibility for them. This week, we toss out feelings of victimhood and take life by the wheel. We hear the call to self-empowerment and self-renewal.
Startup Consciousness: Failing Faster
How does the entrepreneurial concept of "failing fast" apply to our spiritual lives? What is failure really, and what can we do to keep ourselves from failing tests and making mistakes? Learn how to reframe your perspective on failure so you can use it as a tool for growth and transformation, and as a means of deepening your connection to your own inner wisdom and divine nature.
Navigating Change
Change is the only constant in the universe. Connect to your inner wisdom to chart your course and plan your next step even in challenging circumstances!
Finding Inner Strength
At times the pressures of life become so overwhelming it seems there is no way out of the darkness. So, what do you do when you feel like you just can’t handle it anymore and negative thoughts take over? In this episode we’ll share the Kabbalistic secrets for overcoming distress and discuss how we can unleash our inner power with clinical psychologist Dr. Richard Oelberger.
Shifting Our Perspective
Sometimes circumstances beyond our control appear to take our lives off course. We often label these experiences as “bad.” In this episode we talk about the Kabbalistic perspective on “good” vs. “bad” and “right” vs. “wrong” and how shifting how we observe our experiences can help us quickly recover from “bad” situations and effectively support others in creating a new outlook.
Becoming Optimistic
Everybody has good days and bad days – some that stretch into weeks, months, and even years. But how do we stay in a good headspace regardless of what’s going on around us? In this episode we share techniques for staying centered, balanced, and connected in the face of chaos and challenge.
Staying Motivated
We all have habits that we aren’t good for us, yet we continue to do these things anyway. Likewise, there are important things we know we should do for ourselves and for others, and yet we don’t. When we engage in patterns of behavior such as laziness or procrastination, we undermine our own goals and values. In this episode we’ll discuss the roots of these behaviors and practices to stay motivated.