Passion and Spirituality
Sometimes we seek joy and fulfillment by either overindulging or repressing our human desires. This week we explore how to integrate spirituality with our passion to create more balanced and powerful connections.
Transcending Limitations
It can be impossible to create a new reality when we are constantly fixated on all the ways in which that reality is unattainable. When we shift our attention to focus on the positive possibilities, we can unleash our gifts and reach our highest potential.
Embracing Evaluation
Self-awareness is a necessary tool to attain wisdom and spiritual freedom. Through frequent reflection of our actions and attitudes, we move beyond fear and limitation and become accountable to living the life we were born to live.
Manifesting Goals
Achieving goals is part effort and part consciousness. We examine how shifting our own thoughts, behaviors and emotions can help us create the reality we truly desire.
Creating Goals
Each day there is unique energy available to us. And each day we have the opportunity to reveal something we cannot reveal any other day. By focusing on exactly what we want, we can start aligning our goals and priorities to harness the power of each and every day. Setting goals in this way helps us become more mindful of what we are capable of and begin manifesting the life our soul desires.
Power of Forgiveness
The key to forgiveness lies in knowing that there is nothing to forgive. We’ve been put in exactly the right place at exactly the right time so that we may fulfill our personal destiny. From this place of understanding, forgiveness becomes a powerful and transformative tool to free us from pain and suffering and to pave the way for a better life.
Releasing the Past
Often, we operate from a place of hurt or fear related to past experiences. When we allow these experiences to dictate our thoughts, feelings, and actions, we continue to be affected by them. But, by freeing ourselves from the energetic ties of our past, we release their control and become the “cause” in our own life.
Dealing with Negative Emotions
When we experience unwanted feelings of anger, jealousy, or envy, we ultimately suffer the consequences of these emotions in our own lives. But there is a spiritual approach to using these negative feelings to reveal light and greatness instead.
Strengthening Positive Thoughts
How we view the world and the people around us influences everything that happens in our lives. Understanding this concept gives us the insight to transform any situation. By actively strengthening our positive beliefs and thoughts, we gain control over negativity and start “feeling” our way to creating the life we desire.
Understanding Emotions
Throughout life, we learn to label emotions as “good” or “bad.” Spiritually speaking, emotions are simply tools to connect more deeply with ourselves and others. When we learn to work with our feelings, rather than resist them, we can eliminate suffering and change the way we experience life. Special guest, Kabbalah Teacher, Batya Solomon.
Releasing Anger and Blame
Everyone gets angry; it’s a normal, human emotion. And, despite its bad reputation, anger itself isn’t the problem. It’s when we suppress our feelings that we end up causing harm to ourselves and those around us. When we understand how to process our frustration, it can serve as a powerful tool to help us thrive and grow.
Uprooting Anger
Anger is a powerful emotion that can make us feel like helpless victims of external circumstances. But when we take responsibility and use our feelings as a tool for internal growth, we become the “cause” in our lives – taking back our power and freeing ourselves from this destructive influence.