Helping Others Heal
Being well requires caring for the whole self – body, mind, and spirit. In this episode we’re joined by Dr. Allie Evans – a naturopath, midwife, homeopath, and Kabbalah student who brings together spirituality and medicine to help others heal. We’ll talk with her about the healing arts and how we can best support others in the healing process.
Nourishing Wellbeing
“You are what you eat” is a concept that goes beyond food. What we consume each day – food, media, gossip – has a vibrational frequency that directly affects our own energy. In this episode we’ll explore ways to get the nourishment we need to maintain a healthy body and a healthy spirit.
Listening To Signals
Part of our spiritual work is to take care of ourselves physically. Our body is always sending signals to let us know which aspects of our physical health need attention. Usually, we aren’t listening or even choose to ignore these signs. In this episode we’ll discuss how to prioritize physical wellness and integrate spiritual consciousness into our health practices.
Awakening Wholeness
We may feel as if some aspect of our health is always being challenged – physical, mental or spiritual. But it is possible to achieve total wellbeing! In this episode we talk about how to clean up our “internal environment” – awakening the flow of energy in all aspects of our life to connect with our wholeness.